About Us

We are a group of advocates who are masters in their respective domains. Our associates bring their knowledge and pool it to bring the best result. Our specialization includes Criminal Law, Corporate law ( Taxation, Income Tax , Central Excise , Goods And Service Tax (GST) , Company Matters , Service Matters , Banking , Debt Recovery Tribunal (DRT,) National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT ), Central Administrative Tribunal ( CAT ), Family Law, Labour and Industrial Law, Labour Court Cases, ESIC and PF.

Adv Vivek Mishra

Adv Vivek Mishra (BBA, LLB) belongs to a family of High Court Advocates and Tax Professionals. Vivek Mishra is practicing in Supreme Court, Allahabad High Court and Bombay High Court. He is a person who understands things thoroughly and proceeds only after analyzing the events and things in a logical manner.

Adv Yashwant Mishra

Adv Yashwant Mishra (BCom., LLB) is having a rich experience of handling Corporate and Tax matters. Having experience of 40 years in the corporate makes him a pro when it comes to any case related to Corporate Law.


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